

Students are classified as one of the following for tuition purposes at the time of 录取: 

  1. 州内 - U.S. 在阿肯色州居住至少6年的公民或永久居民 consecutive months before the beginning of the term for reasons other than attendance 在UAFS.
  2. 边界状态 – U.S. 居住在俄克拉荷马州、密苏里州、田纳西州的公民或永久居民, Mississippi, Louisiana, or Texas for at least six (6) consecutive months before the 学期开始时因非UAFS出勤的原因.
  3. 州外 -任何居住在阿肯色州或边境州以外的人,或者不是美国公民.S. 公民或 永久居民. (见下文“非传统文件人员居住” 非公民/永久居民的州内资格选择.)
  4. 国际 -持学生签证就读UAFS的学生.

The residency classification of a minor is the same as that of their parent(s) or guardian unless the student is married or has otherwise established a separate legal 住宅.



Any student classified as out-of-state at the time of 入学s is considered to be in Arkansas primarily for the purpose of attending school 和 not for the purpose 建立居住权. 仅仅出现在阿肯色州或一个边境州就可以 不建立居住权. 任何以前被归类为州外的学生都可以申请 通过注册办公室更改居住身份. 学生必须提交 documentation showing six (6) months of residency in Arkansas or a border state before 为非上大学的目的而开始的学期.

Residency can be shown submitting any two (2) forms of documentation from the following 列表:

  • Current permanent driver's license (at least six months old) bearing the address where 学生居住. 不接受邮政信箱地址.
  • 国家机动车登记.
  • Statement from employer indicating the dates of employment, length of service, 和 学生受雇时的住址.
  • Lease which includes student's name 和 dates spanning a minimum six-month period.
  • Personal or real estate property tax statement from their permanent domicile from 上一年度.
  • 在阿肯色州或边境州有购房记录
  • 缴纳国家所得税.
  • Previous year’s state income tax return showing the student is a dependent of an Arkansas 或边境州居民.
  • Utility bills dated to cover the six months immediately before the start of the semester 并注明学生的永久住址.
  • 该机构可酌情接受其他形式的核查.

Any student who meets any of the following criteria shall be classified as in-state, 不论他们居住在哪里:

  1. 一位退伍军人光荣地从美国退伍.美国武装力量.
  2. 符合上述条件的退伍军人的家属或配偶. 为了这个目的 policy, dependents are unmarried children who are legal dependents of the military 美国国税局定义的个人.
  3. 军人:武装部队的一员.
  4. 军人的配偶:军人的配偶.
  5. A Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) cadet who has an executed armed forces service 合同.
  6. A dependent of a member of the active duty armed forces, when the member of the armed 力量:
    1. is stationed in Arkansas pursuant to permanent change of station military orders;
    2. is continuously domiciled in Arkansas for at least six (6) consecutive months before 正在服兵役,并且把阿肯色州作为永久的家 服役期间有记录的,或者
    3. demonstrates a change of domicile from another state to Arkansas at least 12 months 在分离、解雇或从现役中退休之前的. 这项规定是 如果军人在36个月内不返回阿肯色州,将被没收 退役:从现役中分离、解雇或退休.
  7. 根据第30章使用教育援助的退伍军人(蒙哥马利G.I. 比尔® -现役计划)或第33章(后9/11 G.I. 比尔®),美国法典第38条 Code, who lives in Arkansas while attending a school located in Arkansas (regardless of his/her formal State of 住宅) 和 enrolls in the school within three years 退役的指从现役服役期中退役或释放90天或以上的.
  8. 任何使用转移后9/11退伍军人法案®福利(38 U.S.C. §3319) in Arkansas while attending a school located in Arkansas (regardless of his/her formal state of 住宅) 和 enrolls in the school within three years of the transferor’s 现役服役期满90天或以上的退役或释放.
  9. Anyone described in 7 和 8 above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the 同一所学校. 如此描述的人必须在…之前在学校注册 expiration of the three year period following discharge or release as described in 7 和 8 above 和 must be using educational benefits under either chapter 30 or chapter 《菲律宾十大网赌网站》第38篇第33段.
  10. Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. §3311(b)(9))在阿肯色州上学期间居住在阿肯色州 阿肯色州(不论他/她的正式居住州).
  11. 任何使用911后转移的G.I. 比尔®福利(38 U.S.C. §3319) in Arkansas while attending a school located in Arkansas (regardless of their formal state of 住宅) 和 the transferor is a member of the uniformed service who is 现役军人.
  12. 武装部队成员或第702条规定的“受保护个人” 2014年《退伍军人准入、选择和责任法案.
  13. Any individual using educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation 及就业(虚拟现实)&E).

The policy shall be read to be amended as necessary for compliance with the requirements 38u.S.C. 第3679条,经修订. 代码安. § 6-60-205.

根据阿肯色州法典的规定. §6-60-215(法案844),提供 满足第1、2或3条要求的文件; 以下A和B将获得州内学费.

  1. Student has immigrated from the Republic of the Marshall Isl和s 和 has verified 在阿肯色州的合法存在. 可接受的证明国籍/国家的文件 马绍尔群岛共和国的出生资格可包括:
    1. 护照.
    2. 就业授权文件卡.
    3. 永久居民卡.
    4. 未过期移民签证.
    5. Additional forms of verification may be accepted at the discretion of the institution.
  2. Student or parent holds a Federal Form I-766 United States Citizenship 和 Immigration 服务部门签发的就业授权文件,即工作许可证. 要求 文档包括:
    1. 发给学生的未过期的就业授权卡.
    2. 发给父母的未过期的就业授权卡 证明亲子关系的文件,如出生证明.
  3. Student has requested 和 been approved for an exemption under Deferred Action for 儿童移民. 豁免必须是有效的. 所需的文档包括 下列的:
    1. 发给学生的未过期的就业授权卡.
    2. Form I-797, Notice of Action addressed to the student that specifies “Case Type: Consideration of Deferred Action for 儿童移民” 和 “Notice Type: Approval Notice [which 未超过两(2)年的有效期.]”

If the student is able to provide proper documentation to establish they meet one of the above requirements, the student must also provide documentation to satisfy 这两个 以下列出的要求.

  1. The student must be a graduate of an Arkansas public or private high school or must 获得了阿肯色州高中同等学历. 所需的文档包括 下列的:
    • Official high school transcript from an accredited Arkansas public or private institution 表明毕业日期和最后的平均成绩.
    • GED certificate or scores issued by the Arkansas Department of Career Education or 其他适当的国家机构.
  2. The student must have resided in Arkansas for at least three years at the time of 入学申请. 可接受的文件包括但不限于 致下列任何一项:

  1. Official high school transcript from an accredited Arkansas public or private institution 表明毕业日期和最后的平均成绩.
  2. Official college transcript from an Arkansas college or university, if that transcript shows residency at the school for three (3) years immediately prior to UAFS 入学.
  3. Billing/rental history indicating Arkansas residency for at least three (3) years 入院前. 例子包括但不限于水电费和租金 协议.
  4. 至少三年前在阿肯色州购买房屋的证明文件 入学.
  5. Driver’s license or state identification card issued in the State of Arkansas at least 入学前三年.
  6. Notarized letter from an employer or l和lord verifying Arkansas residency status 入学前至少三年.
  7. 该机构可酌情接受其他形式的核查.