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Alcohol and Drug Policy at UAFS

UAFS认识到它有责任为学生提供一个健康的环境 可以学习和准备自己成为一个功能齐全和富有成效的人吗. Alcohol and other substance abuse is a university concern. Abuse of alcohol and other 毒品影响学习成绩、健康、人际关系和安全. Abusive 酒精和其他药物的使用水平经常导致诸如汽车之类的问题 还有其他事故,学生打架,财产损失,加重的身体疾病, and sometimes death. Students need to know their responsibilities as members of the 了解大学菲律宾十大网赌网站和大学的期望和规定. 滥用酒精和其他药物被认为不利于实现 the educational mission of this institution.

UAFS Alcohol Policy

学生在大学和正式的大学场所持有和使用酒精 functions held on campus is prohibited. Except in the Sebastian Commons where residents 合法饮酒年龄的人可以在私底下拥有并负责任地饮酒 their campus apartment. It is the policy of the university that the illegal or abusive 禁止员工和学生在学校内使用毒品或酒精 or as a part of any university activity whether on or off campus. Irresponsible behavior 而在麻醉的影响下是不能被宽恕的,可能会受到惩罚 to review and/or action by the appropriate judicial body.

UAFS Drug Policy

拥有,使用或制造非法药物是严格禁止在UAFS. Students 是否因违反联邦或州法律而受到纪律处分 拥有、购买、制造、使用、销售或分销(通过销售或 赠与)任何数量的任何处方药或管制药物,但下列情况除外 使用非处方药物或按规定使用药物 accordance with the instructions of a licensed physician. Possession of paraphernalia 与处方药物的使用、占有或制造有关的或受管制的 substance is also prohibited.

Medical Marijuana

学生不允许拥有,吸烟,或以其他方式从事医疗用途 of marijuana on campus in accordance with Arkansas Act 740.Act 740 further prohibits 在禁止吸烟的地方为医疗目的吸食大麻 是被州法律禁止的,所有的州财产都被认为是无烟区.

Substance Abuse Policy

任何被发现违反这些政策的学生将立即被留校察看 并将受到额外的纪律处分,其中可能包括解雇 from UAFS.

负责学生事务的副校长兼大学住房和住宿主任 生活将向学生提供有关滥用药物危险的信息, the availability of counseling and the penalties for violations. Such information 是否会通过学生手册和视觉展示来宣传毒品意识 sessions, etc.

没有吸毒前科的学生,自愿寻求 对药物滥用问题的咨询不得被大学开除. However, 如果是在咨询或康复开始后才被定罪的 学生要对学校的各种纪律措施负责.

负责学生事务的副校长将负责实施 of these procedures.

特定的学位课程可能有与预防和管理相关的额外政策 of substance abuse. Students enrolled in these degree programs are responsible for 坚持学院政策和学校政策.

  1. 在校园内和UAFS禁止学生饮酒和持有酒精 sponsored events.
  2. Distribution of alcohol to a minor is prohibited.
  3. Possession of alcohol by a minor is prohibited.
  4. 如果学生在酒精的影响下违反了学生行为准则, this policy will also apply.
  5. Public intoxication as defined in A.C.A.5-71-212 and 5-2-207 is prohibited.

  1. 所有涉及酒精的事件报告将转交给学生行为部门 administrator.
  2. 学生行为管理人员或指定人员将负责以下事项:
    1. 确定报告的事件是否构成违反大学酒精规定 policy.
    2. 记录和跟踪所有涉及酗酒的学生.
    3. 通知大学警察部门,在必要时,一个人的行为 individual involved in an incident.
    4. Enforcing sanctions described.

  1. 典型的制裁:下面描述的制裁是在大多数情况下使用的 在涉及学生的任何事项上,不限制大学的纪律处分权力 Conduct Code violations.
  2. Infractions and Mandatory Sanctions:
  3. First infraction of the academic year - 学生必须参加酒精教育课程,并将被列入大学行为准则 probation.
  4. Second infraction in the academic year - 学生将受到纪律处分留校察看,费用由学生承担 由有资格的机构进行药物滥用评估. The student 是否提供评估结果或授权发布评估结果 to the student affairs office.
  5. Third infraction in the academic year - 学生可能会被停学一个学期或更长时间,视情况而定 on the risk to self, others, and property caused by the behaviors.
  6. Recording cycle for violations is one academic year - 学年从秋季学期宿舍开放的第一天开始 并将持续到第二天宿舍开放之前的一天 academic year.
  7. Right of appeal - The student may appeal as described in Article V, Section D.A student conduct board will hear the appeal. For infractions committed in university housing, students who 违反《菲律宾十大网赌网站》的学生将受到纪律处分 residence hall and the university student conduct system. UAFS will strive to handle 在一次听证会上指控大学宿舍的违规行为 housing policies and the Student Code of Conduct.

在州法律规定的情况下,学生也可能受到逮捕和起诉 been violated. Sanctions up to and including expulsion may be imposed for drug or alcohol violations. 违反州或联邦毒品法的定罪可能会危及 federal financial aid.

这所大学将试图帮助有药物滥用问题的学生 wish to receive assistance in dealing with that problem. The university will not, 但是,容忍非法活动和继续违反毒品或酒精政策 may result in expulsion.


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